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Pebble Routes & Picnic

Pebble Routes In The Northwest Highlands Geopark

Self-guided Geopark Tour On Wheels

Explore the lesser-known trails of the majestic UNESCO Northwest Highlands Geopark. Embrace the journey as you travel through the wild and rugged Highland landscapes by car or bike. Discover the small communities and hidden treasures around Coigach, North Assynt, Scourie, Kinlochbervie, Durness and Tongue.

  • Available all year round
  • Includes luxury picnic created by our kitchen or a packed lunch if cycling
  • Includes useful Pebbles Routes pack & leaflets

Your Pebble Routes pack comes in a bespoke wallet that is easily transportable and gives you all the tools and information you need for your journey. Your pack of leaflets include simple geological maps, tourist information, photographs and fascinating information on the landscape, culture, history and geology.

Booking & Pricing

Our Pebble Routes packages and picnics are available all year round. Speak to our team for pricings and book your adventure today.